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    April’s Fresh Air Tips

    As we step into April, it’s crucial to recognize the impact we have on our homes and communities. This month’s focus revolves around mindful habits such as indoor air quality tips, public transportation, green lawn maintenance, and conserving energy. Discover small but very impactful ways you can make a difference in the region!

    Poor Indoor Air Quality

    Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the condition of air within buildings and structures. We spend a significant amount of time indoors, so it’s important to keep that in mind. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), primary causes of indoor air problems include tobacco products, excess moisture, household cleaning products, dust, and many more.

    Health effects can show up shortly after exposure to pollutants or even years after exposure. Symptoms include irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and headaches. However, keep note of when and where symptoms occur as they are similar to those of colds or other diseases. 

    The most effective way to improve indoor air in your home is to remove possible pollutants. Other proactive measures include investing in a portable air purifier and/or upgrading the air filter in your furnace. Check out EPA’s “Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home” for more information.

    In addition, you can elevate your indoor air quality with plants. A NASA Clean Air Study found that some indoor plants can reduce air pollutants. Not only do they add a vibrant look, but they can also enhance the air quality in your space. Opt for plants like peace lillies, spider plants, pothos, and rubber tree.

    Avoid the Stress of Rush Hour

    Temperatures are warming up! It’s essential to rethink our commuting habits. Rush hour traffic is stressful as is and also increases the output of emissions due to idling vehicles. Consider avoiding going out during this time to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only are you helping improve the air quality, but you’re also avoiding sitting in traffic.  

    Moreover, choosing to ride public transportation alleviates traffic congestion and also helps improve air quality. A report by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) states that public transportation can reduce harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) by 37 million metric tons annually.

    Green Lawn Care

    An EPA report found that gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment (GLGE) emitted 68,000 tons of pollutants including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These chemicals are found in ground-level ozone which poses serious health effects, especially for those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

    Consider scheduling lawn maintenance outside of peak traffic hours, avoiding lawn maintenance on Ozone Action Days, or switching to electric-powered lawnmowers can make a positive impact by minimizing emissions.

    Optimize Energy Usage 

    Burning fossil fuels at power plants creates emissions that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone. By conserving electricity, you can help reduce the demand for power generation, which in turn, reduces the amount of pollution released into the air.

    Ways to conserve electricity include using energy-efficient appliances, turning lights off when not in use and unplugging electronics. During warmer months, increase the thermostat temperature to reduce energy consumption.

    Enhance your Community

    Organize or join local clean-up events! It not only makes your community look better but also prevents pollutants from entering bodies of water. Residents are also able to report any highway litter or trash buildup of any kind. To submit a report head over to TxDOT.

    Check out more ways to take action by visiting Air North Texas. Let’s commit to making April a month full of green choices, starting from our homes and extending to our communities!


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